It’s in our blood

Octapharma is one of the largest human protein manufacturers in the world, developing and producing human proteins from human plasma and human cell lines.

In a series of short films, individuals from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Europe and the US, share their personal experiences of living with bleeding disorders and immune deficiencies. This series attempts to honour the individual behind the diagnosis by capturing their unique stories.

Simon created short films about their lives, telling inspirational stories and how they live relatively normal lives despite a number of medical challenges.

Simon also shot some reportage and portraiture photography to be used to promote the multi-award winning campaign, ‘It’s in our Blood’.



Tadeo wants to be a superhero. His family’s life has been marked by two major “before and after” moments. Get inspired by this little boy’s story. Watch his video now.


Ed Carlos

“I look healthy, so it might be hard for some people to believe that I have a disorder that impairs my immune system. It means I have a propensity to contract diseases more easily.” – Ed Carlos is 42 years old and works as a street dance teacher in Brazil. Watch his story to get inspired.



Since she was five years old, Gabriela had frequent hospitalisations due to recurrent infections. The hospital became her second home. She was eventually diagnosed with CVID (common variable immunodeficiency). Gabriela graduated in Law and wants to be a chief of police. Watch Gabriela’s



As a child Edgar loved playing baseball, but when he was 10 years old he was diagnosed with moderate haemophilia A. That was the worst day of his life. His parents had to tell him that he could no longer play the sport that he loved. Today, Edgar coaches American football and says he never lets his haemophilia dictate how he lives his life. Watch his story.



A hyperactive kid with haemophilia A is a dangerous cocktail. Jannik and his mother share their experiences of his challenges during childhood and their hopes for the future. Today, a Member of the National Youth Council of the German Haemophilia Society, Jannik would like to see more treatment being made available to people with haemophilia around the world. Watch his story.



Lisa was at work and started to feel pins and needles in her arm and on the left side of her body. Her mouth started to droop. She was rushed to emergency and woke up in critical care. She was told that she had a rare blood disorder called TTP. Watch Lisa’s story to learn how this near death experience changed her life.



Patsy was 45 years old when she was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. It was shocking to find out that she had an incurable chronic disease, especially being the mother of three young children. Twenty six years later, at 71 years old, Patsy lives by her motto: “There is always time in life for and adventure". Watch her story.



After experiencing acute neurological attacks involving paralysis, Donna was eventually diagnosed with the rare neurological condition- chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Living with CIDP has put Donna’s life in perspective and motivated her to give back to the patient community. Today Donna is Executive director of the GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada.



Darryl’s sons Nathan and Ben both have severe haemophilia A. As parents their goal is that the boys are able to own haemophilia rather than haemophilia owning them. They came to realise that the diagnosis wasn’t life ending, but life changing. Watch Darryl’s story and see how haemophilia is just a part of who his sons are, like being tall.


Behind the Scenes

Simon is a filmmaker who created a series of patient stories for Octapharma. Simon was invited into the homes of patients in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Europe and the US. For Simon it was a real privilege to meet the brave and inspiring people who shared their stories with him. Watch his story.


U+I - The Workshop


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